Donate by CheckTo send general donations or donations designated to our ONAC endowment fund, by mail, please send a check, made out to the Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition Inc., to the following address:Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition Inc. Attn: Christy Finsel, Executive Director P.O. Box 21804 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 On the check, please note on the memo line if the funds are for general donations or towards our endowment fund. More about ONAC's endowment campaign: As you may know, according to Native Americans in Philanthropy and the Foundation Center, philanthropic giving in Indian Country (from U.S. Foundations), as of 2009, was 0.3 percent of total foundation giving. Of this funding, an even smaller amount goes to support Native asset-building initiatives. Given this funding climate (which from current review of philanthropic giving by First Nations Development Institute has not shown to differ much from 2009), ONAC has concluded that we need to start an endowment campaign. Thus, in addition to continuing to apply to foundations that could be a good match, seeking sponsorships, and administering a membership drive, ONAC has launched a $5 million endowment campaign. ONAC thanks the Chickasaw Nation for their generous lead gift of $250,000 towards our endowment fund. Given the financial responsibilities the tribes have to meet the social service needs of their citizens living in poverty, beyond tribal gifts, ONAC is in need of individual donor and foundation support to help us reach our goal. A strong endowment will make ONAC sustainable and viable well into the future. For more information about ONAC's endowment fund, please click here to read our endowment prospectus. ONAC accepts gifts of stock or securities into our endowment account. Please contact Christy Finsel at (405) 720-0770 for more information. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. For more information, please click here or contact Christy Finsel, ONAC Executive Director, at (405) 720-0770 or | ONAC'S Fundraising ApproachTo advance ONAC's mission, ONAC has a multi-pronged fundraising approach in place. ONAC is raising funds from memberships, donations, sponsorships, foundation grants, and individual donors. ONAC has strategic, fundraising, communications, and succession plans in place. Please contact ONAC to request a copy of our 2023 audited financial statements. Donate Online
Donations to support ONAC’s work are welcome! All donations are fully tax deductible as no goods or services are provided in exchange.
In the comment section below, please note if your donation is a general donation, a donation targeted to one of ONAC's seven programs, or a donation designated to the ONAC endowment fund. If you have any questions about ONAC’s work, please contact Christy Finsel. Thank you for your support of the Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition (ONAC)! ONAC's Privacy Policy: ONAC's Refund Policy: ONAC's Terms of Use: |